Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Festive Season 2024

It is a long drive from Devon to Glasgow in a Mini but so worth it to spend a week with all of my favourite children. We spent a chilly couple of days in Glasgow then went up to Aberdeenshire for Christmas. It was a bit weird seeing all that I had left behind and realising that I have stuff in storage that I don’t need but plenty of things at Brigton which I could do with. The furniture had been rearranged so there were not any really comfy chairs to lounge around in. It was discovered that I had packed the mixer, taken all of the spices and could not tell anyone where most of the roasting tins were.

Freya and Fergus did most of the Christmas cooking and we had a lovely dinner. Nessie had a few really long walks and Mo had made a fantastic job of making my kitchen chair cushions.

The car was quite full on the way back to Glasgow with 4 adults, Nessie, luggage, Christmas goodies, a tortoise and the Kitchenaid mixer on my lap. 

Nessie was surprisingly pleased to get back to her new wee house and was excited to look out for squirrels in the park. 

I spent two whole days reorganising cupboards at work and was pleased to be reunited with my longarm machine which got assembled while I was away.

I went to bed before The Bells on Hogmanay, unlike my young folk who partied in Glasgow,  and had a lazy day off apart from a rainy walk around Tavistock before clearing everything out of the spare room because I have finally arranged to move in my stuff from the damp, mousey barn!