I finally got the overhead locker up in the kitchen - Mel’s husband did it for me and I am thrilled with it. I am not entirely sure what will go into the cubbies (nothing too heavy) now that I have become obsessed with storage.
Mel and Iain brought me some pieces of second hand MDF panelling which I plan to fit into my tiny lobby. I bought a hand saw and amazed myself by managing to cut it. Mel says I should become a freelance Handywoman but I don’t think I am ready to buy a van just yet;)
I was actually very busy at work this week which is my excuse for forgetting to take any snapshots. There were classes, demos, phone calls and emails to answer as well as 3 customer quilts!
Readers who log in regularly to get quilting reports from me will think I have become a DIYer instead. Wait until I start planting things in the garden…