Sunday, 5 January 2025

Moving Chaos

(Before things got out of hand...)

I could have predicted that I would get a day of torrential rain for moving my stuff from the damp and mousey barn into my tiny cottage. And that the Van Man, who was very obliging, would have tiny van and that his mate was not particularly handy. 

The job that should have taken a couple of hours took all day then was abandoned when it got dark and will resume on Tuesday.

The most annoying thing is that the tatty sofa that was here had to be demolished to get it out and my lovely red leather sofa is now sitting upended in the shed because it would not fit through the door so now Nessie and I have nothing to sit on!

My previously tidy, freshly painted house looks like a tornado hit - there is mud up the walls, some chunks of wallpaper missing and my new rug got torn. I guess that is why professional movers cost more than Van Men. 

It will take me a while to sort out the chaos and I have realised that when my stuff got split into 2 loads at the last minute in Scotland, the more useful household items got left behind and I have a load of workshop stuff but no workshop. Oh well, That’s Life - at least I am not flooded out like some folk after the latest winter storms further north;)

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