Monday 30 October 2023

Spooky and Soggy

Freya and I celebrated Nella’s 20th Birthday with her in Norfolk. As a child, Nella always used to request a different birthday cake every year and this year it was meant to be a pink angel cake (vegan). Like a Bakeoff contestant, I should have practised at home because using egg replacement, an unfamiliar oven with a dodgy thermostat and oddly shallow tins was all a bit much and I ended up having 3 attempts until I had an edible result. The first batch rose, dropped bits all over the oven then when I thought I had switched it off, I had actually turned on the grill so I burnt it!

I wore a frock to take Nella out for dinner but my Dad commented that it was a bit jazzy and was I dressed up as a Vegan?

Freya was busy working remotely most of the week but she had a day off mid-week and we went to a pumpkin farm. 

I had originally planned to drive home in one trip but with more heavy rain forecast, I stayed with Freya overnight in Glasgow. She lives right next to the Botanic Gardens where there is a seasonal event called “Glas-Glow”. Nessie always enjoys a walk around there as she thinks she might catch squirrels. There was a super display of pumpkins there by local school children. I drove the rest of the way home on Sunday but it took ages due to the weather, roadworks and detours. 

I decided to leave my unpacking until Monday morning and after that I had to reorganise my workshop. Even though I had shifted some furniture in case of a flood, Storm Babet caused more water seepage than the last time we had a bad storm. Such events used to be rare but now they seem to be at least an annual event. Fortunately, it had all been mopped up by the time I got home and I just had to have a bit of a tidy-up. 

I have loaded an experimental project onto my quilt frame. I am hoping to make non-slip sofa covers to replace the hideous stretchy nylon ones. I have 2 lovely red leather vintage sofas but keep them covered up so pets can sit on them too;) The “quilt” is red fluffy fabric and rubbery stuff to stop rugs from slipping (no wadding) so it will be interesting to see if that works. 

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