Sunday 26 May 2024

Chaotic Organisation


I like to think I am an organised person who puts things away so that they can easily found. I was determined to finish my ArtnStitch teaching slideshow but could not find the crucial USB stick with all the work I had done before amongst all my other USB sticks. Obviously, it should also have been backed up to a hard drive or the Cloud but it wasn’t. I searched high and low all day and looked on every single USB stick, thereby editing each one of those until I remembered that I took it to Norfolk with other tech in a green backpack. Phew - it was in a pocket! Now all of my USB sticks have been labelled with luggage tags and stored in a clear sandwich box.

I made art case prototype #4 to try and get the instructions spot-on. Each time I make it I work out a refinement. I have figured out how to make baggy pockets so the one I film for a Youtube tutorial will show that. I will not be offering alternative sizes - folk will have to work that out for themselves!

I have to confess that I own but do not use all sorts of cameras for my fantasy life as a travel vlogger. For ages I have coveted a drone but the one I wanted was very expensive because it had obstacle avoidance. This week a budget version of that drone was launched so I bought it and decided that I would just have to learn how to fly it without crashing. I took it for a tentative test-fly in my garden and realised that if you can avoid obstacles it is pretty easy. How much flying I will do remains to be seen but I think it will be fun to take on holiday.

I actually did some piecing on the Tula Pink butterfly quilt. I still think there are way too many pieces. I think I have worked out how to cheat at the Drunkards Path blocks so maybe I should tackle them next to get them out of the way. 

Freya is moving into a flat of her own next week so I offered her my pink ex-poo-brown chairs. They are lightweight Polish cafe chairs that I got in a junk shop years ago and were weirdly painted in hideous brown gloss. I have now painted them again in dark green chalk paint which took a liberal 4 coats. From a distance they look great but close up they would not win any painting technique competitions. I am delighted to get rid of furniture that I do not need. I could never be a minimalist!

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