Sunday 25 August 2024

Packing Has Begun


Thank goodness my great friend, Mo decided she would help me get organised for my move to Devon because without her I would be running around like a headless chicken. We always were a good team when it came to us having adventures so we shrink wrapped, packed, chucked stuff out, took things to the Red Cross shop, and did some wheeler-dealing at a vintage emporium. I have also been selling things on Facebook - some very popular items and many where the prospective buyers did not turn up. Gradually though, I have made enough for my van hire!

As if that was not busy enough, I gave an in-person longarm quilting lesson and a ruler tutorial via Zoom. The final job for my Q24 was to quilt a mermaid tea towel that I plan to bead and hand-stitch if I have time on my hands in the evenings;)

Mo helped me to dismantle and pack both Q24s. It was done carefully enough but not necessarily to a Swiss standard. I know where everything is and I know that it is all safe to travel without coming to any harm. I have also packed up my domestic machines, quilting books, sold my fabric stash and sorted through my clothes but there is still so much to do. Thank goodness I am not packing up the entire house, only my belongings. It seems relentless but it will get done in the end - I have no idea where it will all end up though because I can’t imagine I will ever have a workshop like the one here.

In addition to all that moving related stress, I finally heard back from the garage about my dead Volvo. They had to strip it out in order to get at the fuel pump which turned out not to be the culprit. The mechanic was amazed that the car had not burst into flames as its wiring was all melted and he could see that it had also happened previously. He has “hotwired” it for now but it is not happy and because its brain has been fried is displaying every single error message. It will take quite some time to fix and there is no guarantee that it won’t happen again so I will have to get a new-to-me car. And the arm snapped off my favourite specs. Oh well, as the the warthog, Pumbaa in The Lion King says -  “Hakuna matata;)”

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