Sunday 22 August 2021

More Gadget Fun

 I have always loved gadgets, even though I was the first person in my school to get an Ungraded mark for O-level Electronics. This week’s whim was to order a mini thermal printer with a teddy-bear face after seeing it on a Youtube vlog that Nella was watching. It does not use ink or batteries and the till-roll type paper is very cheap. The images are pretty good and it can also print sticky labels so I think it’s great. Since I love organising and labelling everything, I think I will have great fun with it:)

I now have 2 GoPro cameras so I can teach Qmatic techniques over Zoom. I have had the wifi boosted so I can try to get all of my camera angles into a program that will allow me to have several different views for teaching. The 2 cameras both have names - Cameron and Camilla - so I can distinguish between them. I made a little video after this week’s lesson, explaining how to download a design. Despite the boosted wifi, it still seemed to take about 18 hours for it to upload to Youtube. 

Freya has been home over the weekend and was most impressed by the height of our sunflowers.  It just proves that the summer has been hot and wet for it to reach the proportions of a magical beanstalk. She really came home to spend quality time with Pepper / Bluecat who at the grand old age of 17+ has developed Type 1 cat-diabetes. I don’t want her to suffer the trauma of twice daily insulin injections so I am keeping her fed little and often and she has a comfy nest on the kitchen window sill. 

Next week I should be working on a custom quilt and making sure that Nella has all of the stationery she might ever need to start college at the end of the month!

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