Sunday 8 September 2024

Last Post from Brigton Farm

I have been in a strange state of Limbo this week with the bulk of the packing done except for last day stuff such as my bedroom and everything else that I may have forgotten. I took some things to the Red Cross shop, some more bits and bobs to the Deeside Vintage Emporium then de-listed everything I still had for sale on E-bay, Vinted and Facebook Marketplace. It was all quite an effort but raised funds towards the move. Apart from all of the packing boxes, my workshop looks a bit forlorn now that the last of my fabric stash has been collected by a buyer!

I headed to Glasgow for a couple of days to catch up with the Children and we had some lovely meals together, went junk-shopping (without buying) and rejigged Fergus’ laundry pulley which kept getting snagged. It is a great way of drying laundry in a flat but not ideal when you are ducking under damp clothes while cooking. Summer finally arrived for a couple of days in September and was possibly the nicest weather in Glasgow since July.

It was fun zipping around the city in the Mini but some other drivers are dangerous eejits. I am still getting used to it and it took me a while to figure out how to de-mist the windows. It has to go back to the garage the day before the move to get a new radio and fix the mirrors which seem to be stuck. There have been a few minor teething problems like that so fingers crossed it is all sorted before the big drive South!

I have tried to make the most of the down time because the moving and driving days are likely to be full-on. I don’t really want to unpack because the thought of moving it all again is daunting. I don’t think it has really sunk in that I am actually leaving Brigton Farm. I am certainly embarking on a new adventure and next week’s blog will be from Devon!!!

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