Sunday 23 June 2024

What is my Time worth?

The trouble with being a Maker is that I tend to think I can make something better or cheaper than buying something. For instance, I love linen bed sets but they are so expensive. I investigated buying wide linen to make Fergus a duvet set but it was at least £50.00 per metre just for plain colours which would not be as economical as purchasing a set. 

I went to a vintage shop this week and bought half a dozen old linen sheets for £30.00 altogether. I decided to washing machine dye them in different shades of green then tear them into strips and rejoin them with my overlocker. It took me about 3 days to dye the linen, cut it up and remake it into a reversible duvet cover, fitted sheet and 2 pillow cases. It was satisfying to do this but did not really make economic sense and if I am honest, did not make as nice a set if I had bought it in a really nice check. Perhaps I should have made something a bit more “patchwork” but that would have taken even longer!

At any rate, he thinks it looks nice - he is struggling with being away from home but I hope things will improve when he and his pals move into a new flat next week where he will have his own room, rather than dossing on their sofa. He has been going through a bit of an existential crisis, hating working in Cafe Nero. I hope he will find something more fun like an independent coffee shop when he moves from the East End into the Southside. He certainly had a confidence boost when King Tut’s in Glasgow booked his band for a newcomers’ session in mid July.

At the vintage shop I also bought a Turkish style rug for Freya’s flat for £40.00 which I thought was pretty reasonable.

I sent my pattern instructions and Youtube video to an experienced bag maker to look over. She came up trumps and made a pouch which looks great and said that the instructions and video were easy to follow which was my plan:)

The summer solstice this year was actually dry, which made a pleasant change and Nella took a lovely photo of a dramatic sunset. 

A customer quilt got done during the week. It was for a raffle so I kept the quilting simple and classic to suit all tastes and it turned out well.

Other than that, I did a Zoom teaching session, learned how to do a French seam (fitted sheet), got a puncture and made some sub-par shortbread (should have stuck to a classic recipe with a touch of ground rice). 

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